Star Wars Legion - Grand Master Yoda

Beautifully painted version of Master Yoda for marketing

Beautifully painted version of Master Yoda for marketing

Master Yoda in all his Jedi glory leaping into battle

Master Yoda in all his Jedi glory leaping into battle

Back of the beautiful packaging featuring all of Yoda's pose options for the miniature.  Packaging done by the amazing graphic design department at Atomic Mass Games!

Back of the beautiful packaging featuring all of Yoda's pose options for the miniature. Packaging done by the amazing graphic design department at Atomic Mass Games!

A shot of the packaging front with amazing imagery by the amazing art department at Atomic Mass Games

A shot of the packaging front with amazing imagery by the amazing art department at Atomic Mass Games

This was such a fun product to sculpt! As one of my first Star Wars miniatures I had to good fortune to work with an amazing team to figure out this guy's poses and facial expressions. I could not have been more fortunate to work with such an amazing Sculpting Lead like Cory DeVore on Yoda!

November 12, 2021